Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome Baby Samuel!!!

Born July 13, 2009 he is the youngest Dinsmore to ever visit camp! He even beat Craig who I believe came to camp at 2 weeks.

Though Samuel will not visit the beach this year, he does sunbathe in our cabin - trying to get rid of that last bit of "yellow".

So very sweet, he is so good, he sleeps and eats and sleeps again. Everyone keeps saying it is the 2 week honeymoon - my theory is that is is the formula vs. breastmilk thing. Molly and Luke were my best sleepers and they were formula babies. Who knows really....he's just a Good Boy!


  1. Ha! He's huge! I guess that's just in comparison to the peanut we brought home...

    Can't wait for you guys to get back.


  2. Welcome Samuel Dinsmore, ( you are gorgeous! )
    Can't wait to meet you in person, and give you a gentle squeeze, k?

    Mary* for the KC Kaspers

  3. He is beautiful!! So happy he is enjoying camp...who wouldn't right?

    God bless you little Samuel ...and all of you other Dinsmores too.

    Wish I could squeeze him with you...drats!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  4. oh, and btw...we are praying for you.


  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! So happy for you all! :-)
