Friday, August 28, 2009

A Climbing We Will Go

In an attempt to do one last big family event before Michael leaves for California for the school year, we finally landed on ROCK CLIMBING for a day and it was quite the hit for all; even baby Samuel had a good time being passed around between us as we took turns climbing. We climbed for 5 hours, with a quick break to Wendy's for food in between. Happy family of 10!

Mommy getting ready to belay Jessi!

Better keep her safe mom!

Go Zac...go Zac!!!

Michael on the way down.

Mike and Nic looking up.

They finally gave Craig a turn to go up. You'd never know he has a hernia!

Silly faces....

Luke the Man comin' down.

Big Brother Nic belaying Brianne.

Jessi all chalked and ready to go.

Brianne bouldering.

Molly happily taking her turn feeding Samuel.

Spider Nic. He really is sideways, just look at Brianne in the bottom left corner looking on.

Molly girl bouldering. One man's comment was, "Look at her biceps!"

Thank you God for a fabulouse day together! We are HOOKED!!!!

A Snapshot Of Our Life At The International House of Prayer

Click for a sneak peak:

During one of the weekly Intercession for Israel sets, Brianne dances on a team of children. This day she had a wonderful solo opportunity. During that time, Linda prays for pregnant moms in the prenatal rooms while Craig, Luke and Molly also participate in the prayer for Israel. Luke almost always prays on the mic (for all the world to hear) during "rapid fire" (3 minute) prayers for Israel. A couple times as Luke was pacing and praying in the Spirit for Israel, he has broken into weeping. When I asked him why he was crying his reply was, "I don't know, it just came over me."

Friday, August 21, 2009

Our Little JUSTICE Baby!!!

Samuel's birth mom was very adament about chosing LIFE for her baby even if it meant giving him up for adoption.

"Jesus we plead your blood over our sins and the sins of our nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America."

Nic in love!!!

Here it is, the long awaited picture of Nic and Samuel! Of course, the long wait for this picture is NO indication of Nic's affection toward or time spent holding his new baby brother. In fact, the other day, I was sleeping on the couch with Samuel asleep on my chest and Nic comes home, sees the baby and me and comes over and just touches him and says, "I have to get one of these..." He just loves this little guy and holds him as much as he can - when he's not saying, "where's the baby; I want to poke him in the belly."

I've had to make it very clear to all the kids, "DO NOT go into his room when the door is shut!!! Let sleeping babies lie!"