Friday, August 28, 2009

A Snapshot Of Our Life At The International House of Prayer

Click for a sneak peak:

During one of the weekly Intercession for Israel sets, Brianne dances on a team of children. This day she had a wonderful solo opportunity. During that time, Linda prays for pregnant moms in the prenatal rooms while Craig, Luke and Molly also participate in the prayer for Israel. Luke almost always prays on the mic (for all the world to hear) during "rapid fire" (3 minute) prayers for Israel. A couple times as Luke was pacing and praying in the Spirit for Israel, he has broken into weeping. When I asked him why he was crying his reply was, "I don't know, it just came over me."

1 comment:

  1. Great video. Praise God and what an honor when the Spirit comes over us, and manifests Himself through our tears. It reminds us how brokenhearted He is for Israel. Possibly one of the best things I learned in India - praying in the Spirit! It is awesome to see you are a family of prayer warriors. God bless.
